Product Videos

Product Videos

Product overview and service guides for some of our most popular products


Useful information on vacuum chambers, manufacturing processes and a beginners guide to vacuum:

A Beginners Guide to Vacuum

L&D Dimensions Explained

VACMAN Learns to Talk

Product Guides

Overview guides of our top products such as transfer devices, rotary drives and valves:

Rotary Drives and Sample Holders

Sample Holders

Magnetic Rotary Drives

Rotary Drives

Wobble Sticks

Mechanical Hands

Flag Style Wobble Sticks

Mag Probes and Rack Probes

SIM Step Part 1

SIM Step Part 2

Leak Valves

Right Angle Valves

Miniax XYZ Manipulation

UHV Flanges

UHV Gaskets

Service Guides

Service guides of our top products such as transfer devices, rotary drives and valves:

LVM Leak Valve Service

MD95 Leak Valve Service

LVM Leak Valve Calibration

Mag Probes and Rack Probes Service

Mag Probe Magnet Re-Coupling

SH2 Sample Holder Service

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then please don't hesitate to get in contact