Our extensive range of customised Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) sample manipulators are designed specifically for vacuum systems. Precision movement and positioning of samples and substrates within a vacuum system is an essential process in material analysis or deposition. Each VACGEN manipulator family offers unique characteristics, ensuring that users have access to the widest possible range of stability, cost-effectiveness, and process conditions.
The Miniax XYZ manipulator offers a source of simple, low cost, manually driven manipulation. The single bellows construction makes it easy to use in any orientation. Despite the simple construction of the manipulator, the Miniax has good precision and is fully UHV compatible.
A large clear bore manipulator with single bellows and a compact envelope easing integration into Ultra-High Vacuum systems. The universal orientation and small footprint of the Triax allows for the end-user to make better use of the air-side chamber space.
The Omniax manipulator is a fully UHV compatible double bellows manipulator with large probe capacity. It uses the unique VACGEN hinged flange and guided support tube to eliminate deflection due to vacuum loading providing extreme stability.
Widebore Omniax
The Wide Bore Omniax was designed to be used with large cryostat cold fingers on DN100 flange. The larger top section of the in vacuum part of the cryostat cold finger fits into the 100mm Clear Bore Z bellows.
Designing a Manipulator?
Sample Manipulation Accessories
Sample Holders
Sample holders are the interface between the sample and the movements of the manipulator. Let's explore what VACGEN have to offer
Rotary Drive Modules
Rotary drives can provide primary and azimuthal rotation into the chamber and are fully tailored to the custom manipulator
Sample Heating
Resistive and Electron Beam Heater Modules can be fitted to the sample holders to provide sample heating up to 1200°C
Liquid Nitrogen Cooling
Liquid Nitrogen Cooling can be configured to the manipulator providing cooling down to temperatures of -165°C
Motor Controllers
Stepper Motor Controllers are available to power and control all motorised instruments for X, Y, Z and R1, R2, R3 axes. These can be configured up to 99 axes and in open or closed loop
Rotary Platforms and DPRFs
Differentially Pumped Rotary Feedthroughs (DPRF) and Rotary Platforms can be fitted to the manipulator to provide additional means of rotation into the chamber
XY Modules
XY Tables provide up to ±25mm travel for the X & Y axis. These axes can be fully motorised to improve accuracy and repeatability
Support Stands
Larger manipulators require support stands to stabilise the manipulator when mounted in a horizontal orientation.